Fellowshipping with Inmates

Fellowshipping with Inmates

Items Distributed to Inmates

Items Distributed to Inmates

Prayer led by Pastora Eugene

Prayer led by Pastora Eugene

Items to Inmates inPrison

Items to Inmates inPrison

Prison Chaplain Attends Funeral as Inmate Couldn't Go

Prison Chaplain Attends Funeral as Inmate Couldn't Go

Chaplin Fellowship and Praised with Inmates

Chaplin Fellowship and Praised with Inmates

Prison Chaplin keeps Contact with Released Inmates

Prison Chaplin keeps Contact with Released Inmates

Prayer and Bible Study

Prayer and Bible Study

Bible Class and Reciting Memory Verses

Bible Class and Reciting Memory Verses

Praying and Ministering to Inmates

Praying and Ministering to Inmates

Fellowshipping and Light Refreshments

Fellowshipping and Light Refreshments

Giving Free Clothing (T-shirts)

Giving Free Clothing (T-shirts)