Additional Resources
"We love Jesus and spreading His message! We are a nonprofit Christian organization with the goal of spreading and defending the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We primarily do this in video form. We create videos to showcase a library of content that is creative and fun, yet will possess significant theological depth. This ministry intends to specialize in reaching the current generation, as well as future generations, with the power of digital video, social media, and whatever new technologies the future may bring." [from the website:]
Dr. Norman Geisler
Christian theology, philosophy, and apologetics resources
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Resources in apologetics, evangelism, spiritual disciplines, and general training for churches
Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig
Videos, Podcasts, Debates, and Works by philosopher, theologian and apologist William Lane Craig
CrossExamined Ministry led by Dr. Frank Turek
Christian apologists
International Legacy Institite
A set of apologetic solutions led by Dr. Normal Geisler and other apologists
Evangelical Philosophical Society
Articles and books fostering a deeper understanding of God--philosophical and spiritual issuesEvangelical Theological Society
Articles fully explaining Christian Orthodox doctrines and teachings.
Reasons To Believe
Engaging our minds, intellect, spirit and soul to experience and learn how science and Biblical theology shake hands in harmony in apologetics--providing answers to deep-seated questions
Reasoning From Scriptures
Resources on cults, occultism, sects, and false religions
Ratio Christi
University student apologetics directed to respond to young adults attending university in helping to provide them with reasons for their faith
Ratio Christi Canada
Canadian university student apologetics directed to respond to young adults attending university in helping to provide them with reasons for their faithrforh--Know It Live it Share it.
ur strategy to globally communicate our reasons for hope includes but is not limited to: sending out sound, biblical speakers from our speaking ministry team, providing thoughtful and creative printed and online resources, and developing easy-to-understand apologetic curriculum utilizing the latest
s there a God? Can the question of God’s existence be answered conclusively and in a rationally sound manner? Fortunately, for the person willing to invest time in the articles, videos, and recommended readings posted on this site, the resounding answer is “yes”…one can logically establish God’s existence far more conclusively than is commonly understood.