We may argue as much as we like against truth that is absolute. We may join with the world promoting the view that 'truth must be relative,' if we are to respect other people. But can we deny and argue against our own realities? Sure we can. For it is like seeing and stating we do not see. Yet when we do so, we lie to ourselves and others.
Scriptures says, “And those who sow trouble harvest it,” (Job 4:8, NASB). Shall we deny the universality of this life reality? For even nature testifies to the truth that there is harvesting after we sow. Gardeners look forward to this reality, less they do not eat. This is a law they know centuries old which has never and cannot err. If it does we suffer.
No matter the country, class or creed the law of sowing and reaping, an action followed by a related reaction, never errs. It is a truth that no religion nor country can patent. It is timeless. It has been here before you and I. It neither discriminates nor shows preference. No amount of bribery may sway it to this side or that.
It’s judgement is impartial and just. Science knows about it and so too does history, and archaeology. Yet no one can say when exactly it came to be and when exactly it may cease to exist or lose its power. We can only guess it’s end, if it has one, by the laws of thermodynamics.
Things are coming to an end--at least usable energy. But being transformed does not mean becoming non-existent. The energy is still there, though we may not recognize it; just like the reality of this truth. It's law, it's absolute and not relative. In "sowing and reaping," the law of causality is fulfilled.