Because we can think and reason, because we can be rational, this means we have free will. The ability to exercise our free will means we are capable of discernment and doing logical and critical analyses and decision making. This means we have the ability to ascend to greater heights. For our understanding can deepen, our view of the world can be broadened. We can contemplate and meditate.
In the Genesis story, God granted Adam and Eve the freedom to choose and they exploited it. He told them that they were free to eat of all the fruit trees except a specific one he identified (Genesis 2:16-17).
What a grand opportunity! The world, the garden was theirs for their complete enjoyment. But with free will, humanity is ever nagged by its curiosity instinct to exploit other options.
Adam and Eve had instructions from the all-powerful, all-wise, Sovereign of the Universe. Yet Eve listened to another perspective and interpretation to what she had heard, and thought it to be the truth—the better option from lesser authority.
She was convinced and chose to believe the other interpretation—which Satan gave. She shared her excitement about the new or fresh interpretation with her life partner so empoweringly and persuasively that the partner Adam agreed with her fresh view.
Here is the question we need to ask as we review what happened: "Was the new perspective that Satan presented to Eve wrong?" Satan says (1) God knows; (2) her eyes will be opened; (3) she will be like God; and (4) she will know both good and evil. That is what it says, isn't it? See Genesis 3:5.
Now why would a perfectly just, all-wise, and all-loving God curse humanity for freely following the new perspective when later we note a Scripture says, “God our Saviour ... wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth,” (1 Timothy 2:3-4)? The answer to this question we know it was disobedience that God punished. In summary, “Obey and you will be blessed. Disobey and you will be cursed,” (Deuteronomy 11:26-28).