To develop or awaken ourselves to maximize our productivity in any area of our lives, we need to know the proper lens through which to see the world. If the lens we are using is broken, we have a corrupted, imperfect view. Thus, we would never see the real truth. We would continue to see the world as mere humans. To embrace the truth, we need to be fully humans as Jesus was. That is our reason to seek to be like Christ, to walk in the light, or to let his Spirit empower us. Through Him, which is the lens we seek, we will see the real truth.
According to Scripture, Jesus was fully human. He was subjected to pain, suffering, thirst, natural disasters, and hunger, as is any human. He also had authority over storms and the grave. Only He was called sinless, unblemished and who always pleased God the Father. Seeing and thinking like Him means our thoughts and actions would be grounded upon a clear and unbroken, uncorrupted lens. No wonder the mature Christians and those seeking maturity refer and base their values upon the character of Christ—his views, his thinking, and his truth.
The Bible says He’s unblemished (Hebrews 9:14). He’s “without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). So seeing the world through his eyes, even imitating him as Paul advises (1 Corinthians 11:1), we’ll indeed, as the Christian apologist Francis A. Schaeffer says, have the “true truth.”[1] It is then we’ll in reality be on the path of becoming fully human.
As mere humans, we should hope and put as a goal to see and act like Jesus Christ does. Paul further tells us, “be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example],” (Ephesians 5:1, AMP). And Jesus who is without sin says he came to do the Father’s will (Mark 14:36). He was obedient to God the Father from a child (Luke 2:48-51) and continued his obedience to death (Philippians 2:8). Throughout his life, he was totally obedient (Romans 5:18, 19) and he sought only to please God (John 8:29). We cannot be wrong when we have our own mind ever in sync with the mind of God.
Ref: ( How To Achieve True Self-enrichment, © 2019, pp. 123).
{1] Francis A. Schaeffer, Escape from Reason, InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426, © 1968, chap. 2.